Lesson 1 - Texture Materials
Texture Materials
© Carol Nelson Mixed Media Art
Texture Materials - save money!
I have found that using various compounds found in the paint department of big box home improvement stores (Home Depot, Lowes, Ace) are excellent alternatives to pricey art store texture mediums.
The one exception is crackle paste. You have to get crackle paste from an art supplier. There are several brands available.
When you're in the store, carefully check the condition of the material in the tub you are buying. Sometimes, I've found, someone will have opened the tub and then not put the lid back on properly, and the compound has dried out.
If you will be painting on a wood panel, a non-flexible surface, you can choose just about any spackling compound. As my paintings get larger however, I often switch to stretched canvas for my substate to keep the weight down. Because the canvas has a certain amount of flex to it, I recommend using a flexible spackling.
When applying texture directly to a large canvas, I put something under the canvas to support it so I won't cause the canvas to sag in the middle. Maybe you still have a set of Encyclopedia Britannica. I use those books just for that purpose.